The Arkansas Lottery Commission says it wants to know what you think of their rules governing the installation of 100 lottery ticket vending machines in dollar stores, airports, hotel lobbies, and other places you wouldn’t normally find lottery tickets. A while back the Arkansas Lottery Commission purchased 100 lottery vending machines and on July 8 they approved rules and regulations for operating them. Between now and August 13 they’re taking comments from the public and they plan to finalize their rules for operating the machines after that.

Go to to submit your comments. We will hand deliver your comments to the Arkansas Lottery Commission along with all the others we receive.

South Carolina and other states have banned the machines because they increase underage gambling, and they cater to gambling addicts who are too embarrassed to buy enormous numbers of lottery tickets from a store clerk. In addition, the machines pop up in department stores, airports, and hotel lobbies.

The Lottery Commission has all the power they need to set up the machines without comment from the public or the legislature, but the controversial nature of the machines has prompted them to seek “cover” by going through the motions of seeking public comment before installing the machines. These 100 machines are a “done deal,” but this fight is not over.

Now is a great time to start building momentum for getting the legislature to pass a law banning the machines altogether when they convene in January. We cannot afford to allow this public comment period to pass without a large number of citizens making their case as to why the machines should be illegal.

Make your comments a part of the record today.

Go to to submit your comments. We will hand deliver your comments to the Arkansas Lottery Commission along with all the others we receive.

To read the proposed lottery machine rules and regulations, click the following link and go to Section 7:

You can also mail or e-mail your comments directly to the Arkansas Lottery Commission. Here’s how.

Mail to:
Arkansas Scholarship Lottery
P. O. Box 3238
Little Rock, AR 72203-3239
(501) 683-2000

E-mail to:
Chief Legal Counsel of the Arkansas Lottery, Bishop Woosley, at

As first choice, however, we do recommend using our form at so we can collect as many comments as possible and hand deliver them all. Thank you!

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